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Term 4

My subject for my rhetorical situation is food at home. My subject is that I need more variety in foods at home, which means the audience is my parents, who buy me food. My relationship with my parents is that I’m their son and they, as parents, always want the best for their son.

Argument One-Logos

Mom, dad, I think you should let me drive. What would be the point in me getting my license if you won’t let me drive?  I already have the skills to drive now, all I need is more experience in driving. If I don’t get more experience, more time to drive, my skills will get rusty, and my efforts in getting a license will be in vain.


Argument Two-Ethos

Mom, dad, I already have my driver license. I’ve already learned everything I need to know about driving. I’m also quite patience. I haven’t tried to drive before, when I don’t have my license, I’ve never forced you to let me drive even though a lot of my friends already drive before they have their license, and right now, I already have the skills to drive well.  


Argument Three-Pathos


Mom, dad, please let me drive. I promise I would not do anything bad, I will follow the rules. It would make me really happy to drive. Don’t you want me to be happy?

Argument Four-Logos, Ethos, and Pathos

Mom, dad, I think you should let me drive. I already have my driver license. I’ve already learned everything I need to know about driving. I’m also quite patience. I haven’t tried to drive before, when I don’t have my license, I’ve never forced you to let me drive even though a lot of my friends already drive before they have their license, and right now, I already have the skills to drive well.  What would be the point in me getting my license if you won’t let me drive?  I already have the skills to drive now, all I need is more experience in driving It would make me the happiest person if you let me drive.

Appeal Workshop

Muhammad Ali Refusing Draft 


Speaker: Muhammad Ali, a famous boxer, a black person. Having these two characteristics made his speech works well, because one, he is also a victim of discrimination by white people and also know black people firsthand, so when he’s talking about black people, he is to be trusted. He’s also a famous boxer, so he has a lot of influence.


Audience: White people who discriminate black people, government who doesn’t to help black people, and black people who are forced to fight.


Subject: He was talking about how white people wants black people to fight for the US, even though in the US black people who just try to live want to live their life is discriminated and helpless.


Text: His speech was effective (his message got across), because he of his influence and credibility, and also his speech was really clear and to the point, while also using facts.


Differences between his 2 speeches: In his 2 speeches, I think his first speech was way more effective than his second one. This is because in his first speech he was more calm, stating facts and opinion without attacking the opposition. This made the people listen to him and his opinions fully. In his second speech, he was quite aggressive. This made the opposition trying to refute his saying to defend themselves, which means they listen less. 

Robert F. Kennedy's speech on the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr


Speaker: Robert F. Kennedy, a candidate for democratic party’s presidential nominee and was also the senator representing New York.

Occasion: This speech was delivered in April 4 1968, several hours after Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination. It happened when Robert F. Kennedy was campaigning to be the nominee president for the democratic party in Indianapolis. He heard that Martin Luther King Jr has died. When he delivered his speech in the American-African Ghetto, instead of using the speech that was made for the campaign, he chooses to improvise and spoke about King’s death and spoke about peace.

Audience: Americans, especially American-African

Purpose: For RFK’s candidacy, to calm African-American, and to unite the US

Subject: Peace and Martin Luther King Jr’s death

Tone: Sad, empowering, calming

Rhetoric: He was trying to get support from black people by showing sympathy to MLK’s death. He also preached about America have to unite to show that he’s a good visionary leader.


Robert F. Kennedy, a candidate for democratic party’s presidential nominee and former New York’s senator made a speech about the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. This speech was delivered in April 4 1968, several hours after Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination. It happened when Robert F. Kennedy was campaigning to be the nominee president for the democratic party in Indianapolis. He heard that Martin Luther King Jr has died. When he delivered his speech in the American-African Ghetto, instead of using the speech that was made for the campaign, he chooses to improvise and spoke about King’s death and spoke about peace.  He did this because he wants to get support from African-American people. He knows it would resonate well with the audience getting sympathy from them making it easier for him to get support, and by speaking about uniting US, something that African-American want and need, he was able to get support from them. The way he said his speech was the icing of the cake. It shows sadness, but also strength. It feels like he truly cares about MLK’s death and black people.  He makes people perceive him as a good, visionary leader.

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